Throckmorton Collegiate ISD is proud to announce the launch of our brand new app! We will be using this new platform as our primary form of communication moving forward. Our facebook page will still be active, and all posts made through our app will also go to facebook. The app contains many features that we feel will help with communication efforts and provide our students, parents, and community members with an easy way to find everything going on in TCISD!
10 months ago, Dr. Charles Mims
Apptegy App Launch
Dr. Mims and our TCISD Board Members made our Friday before Spring Break even better...Kena and Whitney delivered Sonic drinks to staff this morning. Thank yall so much!
10 months ago, Britnee Woods
Happy teachers
all smiles
This weeks bday girl still getting treats!
Our new scoreboard and play-clocks have finally arrived and are looking good! A special thanks goes out to those who helped make this happen! This is a very nice upgrade to our football field.
10 months ago, Dr. Charles Mims
New Scoreboard Install (4/6/2024)
Our NHS students attended the Dallas Mavericks Leadership Program. Becoming a leader is an important part of our students success story as being a part of NHS. As we learned what it took to become a leader, we were told about all the challenges each individual went through to get where they are today. Our biggest reminder in our success journey is to remember to take the risk, say YES to being present and to be aware of your own weaknesses.
11 months ago, Geri Collins
NHS students
Look at our NHS students replacing the flags this morning.
11 months ago, Britnee Woods
NHS will be putting the flags up daily and taking them down. Thank you NHS! The flags look great!
Track Schedules for this week - High School 3/4/24 (Monday) @ Seymour - Jr. High 3/7/24 (Thursday) @ Seymour
11 months ago, Throckmorton Collegiate ISD
During the March 4th called board meeting, the TCISD Board of Trustees voted unanimously in favor of the new 2024-2025 academic calendar. This new calendar brings the four-day school week to Throckmorton Collegiate ISD. We are looking forward to seeing the positive impact that this change has on our school community!
11 months ago, Dr. Charles Mims
2024-2025 TCISD Academic Calendar
Picture Day was a success!!
11 months ago, Britnee Woods